Sunday, 28 August 2011

What happened to the X Games?

Seriously though. I remember the time when everyone used to be so hyped up about it, it was just about as famous as the World Cup etc. Or it could just be my country. We don't even pay much attention to american football, baseball and the like. Remember Tony Hawk? Rocket Power? Games related to skate on Playstation 1? Those were all pretty rad. Not that I had that much of an interest back then. That's how in it was at the time. You didn't need to be interested, people would talk about it wherever you went.

Man I miss watching An Extremely Goofy movie. I so had the hots for Max. Yes, I am aware he's a dog hahahahaha Idk man you disregard these things when you're like 9?

So yeah, my friend who's into skateboarding got me into inline skating. This was like, last week? Although, I had been harbouring a slight interest for a while longer. So rn, I dig it. It's so fucking cool bc Idk seems really fun yknow catching all that air on the ramps, gliding across flat clean pavement. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the staff at Carrefour go around on blades in a while.

Getting to the point, inline skating seems way underrated nowadays. But I can tell there still are a number of people who still dig it bc when I look up st like "X games inline skating", the first suggestion would be like "X games inline skating 2011". Mad respect for skateboarders, BMX riders and even rollerskaters too, of course. They're all super fab.

More videos below.

I wish I could find that clip when Goofy got on the ramp by accident

Low Q

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