Wednesday, 7 September 2011


So earlier this year I started listening to Starfucker(STRFKR). I love them too much. So like any other ~*teen blogger*~ I look up their songs on YT. I admit I don't love them ALL, but what I really dig is the impact they have on listeners. This perspective is drawn from reading YT comments.

 Boy Toy

 Isabella of Castille



 Miss you

 Pop Song

The White of Noon

I also dig their lyrics // What people think are the lyrics:



Like almost any electronica band, people will almost always comment about getting high, sexual things etc. It's expected. Though I like that someone mentioned pausing porn for a song. All that said, here is a new tune I got from our convenient friend on YT, the suggestions sidebar. I'm also checking out Rems Floating Chandelier.

Online preach:

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Grass is always greener somewhere else

Sure, right now, I can say I just want to get out of here. Like asap. And I think these feelings are pretty strong, like they're freals. But I guess you can say it's like when you try, say, the most perfect milkshake eveeeer(according to your feelings at the time) and you feel like you can have just that for the rest of your life. You genuinely feel like that, but you know, you'll get bored of it after a short while from having it every single meal, and after a longer period if you have it like just once a week.
Yeah, I get it. I want to move but if I do, after about a half a year or so, I'll get bored of that place too. That is, unless I'd really love that place enough to not(which would be so rad). So, I figured, travelling around randomly would be pretty great. Go where the wind takes me or we. But then I remember how homely I actually am. I really don't like going out that often. I mean, it's fun, I like to go out, in moderation. "Home is where the heart is," and all those other Madeline songs about family you know.
Tbh though, this post isn't really about a place I realistically want to live in. It's more of an interest I guess, a fantasy? Idk man. Anyway we I'll get to what people on the internet really want to see.

Marienburg castle, Hannover, Germany.
I love Prince Christian (b. 1985) Idk man I just do. I wish there were a bigger photo of this. It's too gorgeous.

Neuschwannstein castle, Germany

Oberhofen castle, Switzerland

Bran Castle, Romania

It's 2:05am where I am so I think I should call it a night. Man, I have to look up more things tomorrow. Europe is the best. And study. God. How does one get a boost of motivation?

Sunday, 28 August 2011

What happened to the X Games?

Seriously though. I remember the time when everyone used to be so hyped up about it, it was just about as famous as the World Cup etc. Or it could just be my country. We don't even pay much attention to american football, baseball and the like. Remember Tony Hawk? Rocket Power? Games related to skate on Playstation 1? Those were all pretty rad. Not that I had that much of an interest back then. That's how in it was at the time. You didn't need to be interested, people would talk about it wherever you went.

Man I miss watching An Extremely Goofy movie. I so had the hots for Max. Yes, I am aware he's a dog hahahahaha Idk man you disregard these things when you're like 9?

So yeah, my friend who's into skateboarding got me into inline skating. This was like, last week? Although, I had been harbouring a slight interest for a while longer. So rn, I dig it. It's so fucking cool bc Idk seems really fun yknow catching all that air on the ramps, gliding across flat clean pavement. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the staff at Carrefour go around on blades in a while.

Getting to the point, inline skating seems way underrated nowadays. But I can tell there still are a number of people who still dig it bc when I look up st like "X games inline skating", the first suggestion would be like "X games inline skating 2011". Mad respect for skateboarders, BMX riders and even rollerskaters too, of course. They're all super fab.

More videos below.